European union

TOPTEXTIL SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ is implementing a project entitled “Activitiespromoting Toptextil brand products on foreign markets in the Polish fashion industry program”. The project is co-financed by European Funds under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises, sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand (competition no. 6/2020).
Short description of the project:
The subject of the project is the Applicant’s participation in the Polish fashion industry promotion program, aimed at effective promotion of the Applicant’s activities and products on the international arena and active participation in the promotion of the Polish Economy Brand abroad.
The prospective markets selected in the project cover one country: Ukraine.
The scope of the project includes the following promotional activities:
(I) stands at trade fairs:
• 2 x Home Decor (Poznań, Poland) – editions: 2021, 2022,
• 1 x Heimtextil (Frankfurt, Germany) – editions: 2022,
• 1 x KIFF (Kiev, Ukraine) – editions: 2022.
(II) travel missions:
• 1 x travel mission with participation (as a visitor) in the Kyiv Fashion fair (Kiev, Ukraine, spring edition, 2021), where a national stand will be organized.
The implementation of the project will be financed from the Applicant’s own funds.
Project goals:
The aim of the project is the effective promotion of the Applicant on the international arena, including the promotion of products on the 1st promising market (Ukraine), increasing the export sales of products being the subject of the project, and thus the increase in total exports.
The quantitative effects of the project are: the number of foreign trade contracts (7), revenues from the export of products being the subject of the project: PLN 15,144,212, total export revenues: PLN 16,058,855, as well as participation in 6 trade fairs as an exhibitor, participation in 1 an exit mission combined with a visit to the fair.
The qualitative effects of the project are: promoting products in the international arena, promoting products on the prospective market (Ukraine), establishing new business contacts, gaining new customers, signing new trade agreements in export.
The achieved results of the project will contribute to an increase in export activity, an increase in export revenues and the promotion of products on foreign markets.
Expected project results / planned effects:
• Number of foreign trade contracts signed by enterprises supported in the field of internationalization: 5 [pcs.]
• Revenues from the sale of products for export: 15,144,212 [PLN]
• Revenues from sales for export of products being the subject of the project: 16,058,855 [PLN]
project value (eligible expenses): PLN 147,000.00
contribution of European Funds: PLN 88,200.00

Toptextil Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (limited liability company) participates in the project implemented by the Lesser Poland Voivodship – Lesser Poland Centre for Enterprise “Lesser Poland Anti-Crisis Shield – entrepreneurship package”, which aims to provide support to entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 from the SME sector from the Lesser Poland Voivodship.
The project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Lesser Poland Voivodship for 2014-2020.
The company received a grant of PLN 396,000.00

Toptextil Sp. z o.o. is realising a project titled “Implementation of the International Operations Strategy of Toptextil Sp. z o.o.”. The project is co-financed with European Funds as part of the Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, measure 3.3 Internationalisation of the Małopolska Economy, submeasure 3.3.2 International Activity of Małopolska SMEs (competition from 2017).
The project aims are:
The Applicant has indicated the main aims of the project as:
- Export sales of the following products in the amounts shown:
- Toptextil Comfort knitted products: 16 734 linear metres,
- quilting services: 1 658 linear metres
- ultrasound quilting services: 3 065 linear metres
- Toptextil Design fabrics: 40 linear metres
- Toptextil Trend fabrics: 19 559 linear metres
- total sales of products and services resulting in the internationalisation of trade (of the products shown above) to the following countries: Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine, in the amount of 41 065 linear metres
in the period from 01 January 2019 to 30 April 2020, i.e. the duration of the project and within 12 months of the completion of the project.
Planned effects:
- Number of business contracts: 15
- Number of international commerce contracts signed by businesses supported in terms of internationalisation: 9
- Revenues from sales of export products: 702 317 PLN
Value of the project:
- Qualified costs: 399 978 PLN
- Total costs: 466 335.76 PLN
input from European Funds: 199 989 PLN

Toptextil Sp. z o.o. is realising a project titled “Development and Implementation of the International Operations Strategy of Toptextil Sp. z o.o.”. The project is co-financed with European Funds as part of the Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020, measure 3.3 Internationalisation of the Małopolska Economy, submeasure 3.3.2 International Activity of Małopolska SMEs
The project aims are:
The Applicant has indicated the main aims of the project as:
1. Export sales of the following products in the amounts shown:
a. Toptextil fabrics: 169 814 linear metres
b. Toptextil design fabrics: 4 402 linear metres
c. Toptextil Comfort knitted products: 6 797 linear metres
d. quilting services: 8 152 linear metres
in the period from 01 May 2016 to 30 April 2018, i.e. the duration of the project and within 12 months of the completion of the project.
Planned effects:
- Number of business contracts: 35
- Number of international commerce contracts signed by businesses supported in terms of internationalisation: 25
- Revenues from sales of export products: 2 083 676 PLN
Value of the project:
- Qualified costs: 400 000 PLN
- Total costs: 462 660.28 PLN
Input from European Funds: 200 000 PLN